Inspiration for 2015 and beyond

Nothing beats being out in nature for inspiration. People often ask me where I get the ideas for my songs. It is in that time spent alone in that empty space that attracts the flow of ideas for the lyrics and the music. Some ideas come at opportune moments when a word, a phrase, a thought or someone smiling prompts me to create. Being by the sea has the added bonus of clearing my head before I make my way back to the city. In 2015 I plan to release my debut EP and will be touring the length and breath of Ireland. My hope is that my music will touch people and will enable them to relate their own life experiences to the lyrics.  

Most people are not great to share their feelings, particularly men but one night after a gig a guy told me that he related so much to one of my songs he felt it was his own words speaking to him.  He had not just long broken up from his girlfriend and my song captured where he was at in his life. These are the moments that I say to myself this is it, this is what its all about, connecting with people through music is such a powerful force. It is these wonderful experiences which motivate me to become the best musician I possibly can be. I look forward to meeting you all wherever that may be. Keep Smiling :)
